Chef has a very tasty treat for you a swiss roll recipe filled with strawberry conserve and confectioners custard.
This recipe is easy to make and tastes amazing, Chefs swiss roll recipe will impress your loved ones when you bake this delightful sweet for them.
With a filling combination of strawberry conserve and homemade confectioners custard this recipe is delicious, combine the fillings with Chefs wonderful soft, delicate and moist sponge cake and you are on to a winner.
The confectioners custard is silky and creamy yet only uses full fat cows milk and no actual cream.
Chefs swiss roll recipe is best left in the fridge for a few hours or even cooked the night before.
The taste is amazing and I assure you that when you make this recipe once you will want to make it again and again.
Just follow Chefs step-by-step strawberry and custard swiss roll recipe below to get started.
3oz Plain flour
3oz Caster sugar
2 Eggs (medium)
Strawberry conserve or jam
For the custard
8fl oz Full fat milk
5 Tbsp Corn flour (corn starch)
3 Tbsp Caster sugar
1 + 1/2 tsp Vanilla essence
2 Tbsp Full fat milk
1 tsp Butter or Margarine
1 Egg
Sprinkle sugar
8fl oz Full fat milk
1/2 tsp Yellow food colouring (optional)
Picture of confectioners custard.

How to make the swiss roll
Place the sugar and eggs into a mixing bowl.

Use an electric whisk to mix the eggs and sugar.

As you are mixing notice that the mixture is very yellow from the eggs.

Once the mixture is pale in colour gently add the flour.

Fold in the flour using a metal spoon.
To fold you need to gently move the spoon over and under the cake mixture, this helps keep in the air bubbles that you have just whisked into the cake mixture.
Do not stir the mixture at all or else the cake will be flat.

Pour into a greased and floured swiss roll tin or a flapjack tin. Bake in a hot oven at gas mark 6 for 10-13 minutes.
Cooking does not take very long, the cake should feel slightly springy to the touch.

Sprinkle with caster sugar.
Carefully remove the swiss roll cake from the tin almost immediately after baking.
Place upside down onto the parchment paper.

Roll up the swiss roll inside the parchment paper.
Leave to cool.

The milk will thicken up.
When the milk thickens up this is the time to start stirring a lot quicker, pretend you are mixing a cake, only do this when the milk is very thick or else it will splash and burn.
This helps remove the lumps and make the custard creamy.

Keep stirring but very gently until the custard thickens up.

When the custard thickens up again stir quickly but gently to remove the lumps.

Add 2-3 spoonfuls of the custard to the whisked eggs being sure to stir the eggs as quickly as possible, if you stir the eggs slowly after adding the hot custard your eggs will curdle in the heat like scrambled eggs.
Only add a small spoon of the custard at a time mixing quickly between each one.

Pour the egg mixture into the pan of custard again stirring quickly to prevent the eggs curdling, pour in the eggs in 3 batches.

Place the custard pan back onto a low heat and and keep stiring until the custard thickens up even more.

See the picturehow there is a clear line in the pan where Chef moved the spoon across.

Take off the heat.
The confectioners custard is now ready.

Pour the custard onto a flat plate.
It will only need a few minutes to cool on a flat plate.
Use a metal spoon to stir the custard around as it cools to help it cool down quickly without setting onto the plate.

Open the swiss roll from the parchment paper.
Spread with jam leaving a small gap at the edges length wise, the inner part of the swiss roll needs jam.

When the custard has lost its heat (after 5 minutes at the most) dollop custard onto the swiss roll.

Spread the custard into the inner part of the swiss roll but leave a gap at the other 3 edges of the swiss roll.
When you roll up the swiss roll the custard will move towards the edges so it is not necessery to spread the custard up to the edge.

Carefully and hold the inner part of the swiss roll loosley, roll the swiss roll up.
Sometimes swiss rolls have no cracks sometimes swiss rolls have cracks after rollling, either way is fine.

Cover with plastic wrap and place into the fridge for a few hours.
It is best the bake the swiss roll the night before and leave the swiss roll in the fridge over night, this lets the cake settle down and the custard to set.
Try to cut off the ends of the swiss roll the next day it will slice more neatly.

Slice and enjoy Chefs strawberry and custard swiss roll recipe.

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