This cherry meringue slice recipe is really simple to bake and delicious to eat.
Do you delight in taking the cherry off the top of a cake and eating it? Do you love it when you bite into a soft sweet cherry whilst eating a fruit cake?
If you love eating glazed cherries then you will really enjoy eating these tasty treats.
Chefs cherry meringue slice recipe is so easy to bake that you do not even have to roll the base out, simply press the base into the oven tin.
These delightful cherry treats look appetizing and colourful and taste really delicious.
1/3 Cup Margarine (2oz/50g)
1/2 + 1/3 Cup Plain flour (4oz/120g)
1 Tbsp whisked egg
2 Tbsp Caster sugar
3 Egg whites
1 Tbsp Vanilla essence
18-20 Cherries
1/2 Tbsp Candied peel
1/2 Cup Ground almonds + 2 Tbsp (2oz/50g)
1/3 Cup Caster sugar (2oz/50g)
2 Tbsp Corn starch

In a mixing bowl mix together the margarine, sugar and egg for the base, add the flour and bring together into slumps of pastry.

Grease and flour an 8 inch square cake tin.
Press the clumps of the pastry base into the tin using your fingers.

Mix together the dry ingredients for the meringue in a separate bowl.

This will take 1-2 minutes only.

Fold it in by moving a metal spoon over and under the egg whites, this keeps the air bubbles in the egg whites. Do not stir.