Moroccan chard & lamb pan-fry recipe
The Arabic Food Recipes kitchen (The Home of Delicious Arabic Food Recipes) invites you to try Moroccan chard & lamb pan-fry Recipe. Enjoy tasty & easy Moroccan Food recipes and learn how to make Moroccan chard & lamb pan-fry.
A quick, exotic one-pan dish
Serves 4
Prep 10 mins
Cook 20 mins
Ready in 30 minutes
1 bunch chard
1 oz olive oil
600g diced shoulder of lamb
1 onion , sliced
2 garlic cloves , sliced
1 tsp each ground turmeric , cumin seeds, coriander seeds
pinch chilli flakes
400ml stock , lamb or chicken
handful raisins
handful toasted pine nuts
1. Strip the chard leaves from the stalk. Cut the stalk into batons and roughly shred the leaves. Set aside separately.
2. Heat the oil in a sauté pan and fry the lamb for 5-6 mins over a high heat until browned. Add the onion, garlic, chard stalks and spices and continue to cook for 3-4 mins until softened. Pour over the stock and scatter in the raisins, then simmer for 4-5 mins to make a sauce. Wilt chard leaves through the stock, season and serve scattered with pine nuts.
Stir-frying chard
Try stir-frying chard with ginger and garlic and serving it drizzled with soy sauce.
Nutrition per serving
438 kcalories, protein 38g, carbohydrate 12g, fat 27 g, saturated fat 10.04g, fibre 0.8g, sugar 7.7g, salt 1 g
Recipe from Good Food magazine, April 2006.
More Moroccan Recipes:
Middle Eastern Chicken Pot and Butter-Nut Couscous
Brick Chicken with Apricot Couscous
Fruity lamb tagine
Beef and pear tagine
Moroccan kofte with spicy tomato sauce
Moroccan Rib Roast
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Gobi Manchurian
9:00 AM |

Gobi Manchurian is an Indo-Chinese dish, very popular in India. Renowned as a starter recipe, gobi Manchurian is spicy, delicious and appears dry or with a little gravy. Chinese style of preparations are a favorite with Indians. The original preparation of these Chinese recipes has been altered to suit the taste of Indians. However the basic ingredient remains constant. For example, usage of cilantro leaves is a part of our Indian alteration. ‘Manchurian' has several variations – mixed vegetables, cauliflower/gobi, chicken or even lamb(minced) can be included. However gobi/cauliflower manchurian stands as the highly rated recipe owing to the distinguished taste and flavor.
I am going to illustrate the preparatory steps of ‘Gobi/Cauliflower Manchurian', a tasty and mouth watering recipe, in a simplified version:
To make 4 grand servings, you will need:
For marinating:
Cauliflower - 1 kg
Chilly powder - 1 tsp
Bengal gram powder - 1/2 cup
Salt - As reqd
Corn flour - 2 tbsp
Rice flour(if available) - 1 tsp
For preparing gravy:
Onions(big) - 2- 3 nos
Green capsicum - 1 no
Red capsicum - 1 no
Spring onions - A bunch
Green chillies - 5 - 6 nos(finely sliced)
Garlic pods - 4 -5 nos(finely sliced)
Soya sauce - 4 tbsp
Ajino moto - A pinch
White pepper - As reqd
Salt - As reqd
Cutting options:-
:- Cut the onions and capsicum into big pieces like four halves and separate the onions.
:- Spring onions should be finely chopped.
:- Garlic and green chillies should be finely chopped. To look better, u can cut it in an angle.
Chilly powder - 1 tsp
Bengal gram powder - 1/2 cup
Salt - As reqd
Corn flour - 2 tbsp
Rice flour(if available) - 1 tsp
For preparing gravy:
Onions(big) - 2- 3 nos
Green capsicum - 1 no
Red capsicum - 1 no
Spring onions - A bunch
Green chillies - 5 - 6 nos(finely sliced)
Garlic pods - 4 -5 nos(finely sliced)
Soya sauce - 4 tbsp
Ajino moto - A pinch
White pepper - As reqd
Salt - As reqd
Cutting options:-
:- Cut the onions and capsicum into big pieces like four halves and separate the onions.
:- Spring onions should be finely chopped.
:- Garlic and green chillies should be finely chopped. To look better, u can cut it in an angle.
Preparation method of gobi Manchurian:
1)Mix together the Bengal gram powder, corn flour, rice flour, chilly powder and salt using either milk or water.
2)Cut the cauliflower into smaller florets and marinate in the batter for 30 mins.
3)Deep fry in oil making sure that the cauliflower is well covered by the batter.
4)Heat some oil in another pan.
5)Fry the garlic and green chillies, till an aroma comes.
6)Add onions, capsicum and a little bit of spring onions.
7)Stir fry, till cooked.
8)Add some water followed by the soya sauce, ajino moto, salt and white pepper.
9)Allow it to boil.
10)Cook in low heat till the vegetables are cooked.
11)After about 15 minutes, in medium flame, add the fried cauliflower to the gravy.
12)To make a thick gravy, add 1 tbsp of corn flour in water, make a paste and pour into the boiling gravy.
13)Simmer for 5 minutes.
14)Garnish with spring onions.
:- Serve with fried rice.
2)Cut the cauliflower into smaller florets and marinate in the batter for 30 mins.
3)Deep fry in oil making sure that the cauliflower is well covered by the batter.
4)Heat some oil in another pan.
5)Fry the garlic and green chillies, till an aroma comes.
6)Add onions, capsicum and a little bit of spring onions.
7)Stir fry, till cooked.
8)Add some water followed by the soya sauce, ajino moto, salt and white pepper.
9)Allow it to boil.
10)Cook in low heat till the vegetables are cooked.
11)After about 15 minutes, in medium flame, add the fried cauliflower to the gravy.
12)To make a thick gravy, add 1 tbsp of corn flour in water, make a paste and pour into the boiling gravy.
13)Simmer for 5 minutes.
14)Garnish with spring onions.
:- Serve with fried rice.
Lontong Sayur Cap Go Meh
7:04 PM |
Opor Ayam Cap Go Meh
* 500 grams of rice
* Water to taste
* Banana leaves
* Plugs sate / bamboo
* Wash the rice and then put into the pot. Add enough water so that surface water is one knuckle above the rice. Cook over medium heat until it becomes aronan, usually about 10-15 minutes. Take a piece of banana leaf, place 3-4 tablespoons aronan on it then roll so that the elliptical with a diameter of approximately 4 cm. Embed both ends with skewers / bamboo.
* Provide a pot which is rather high and big and enter the water about half. Bring to a boil. Input roll rice cake to the pan and cook for approximately 2 hours. Should be flooded rice cake rolls in the water. When the water dries, add water as needed. After the rice cake cooked, remove and drain, then let it cool.
* How to serve: Cut the rice cake diagonally 1 cm thick, put it in a concave dish. Usually rice cake served with side dishes such as curry chicken or vegetable ve.
Lontong Cap Go Meh terdiri atas lontong yang disajikan dengan sayur lodeh, opor ayam, sambal goreng hati/ampela, bubuk kelapa, dan bubuk kedelai.
Sayur Lodeh
Keperluan: 1 ikat kacang panjang, 1 labu siam, 1 terung, 1 ons rebung, 1 ons tempe, santan dari 1/2 kelapa.
A. Bumbu yang digerus: 3 lombok merah buang bijinya, 1 pt terasi, 6 bawang merah, 4 siung bawang putih, 4 butir kemiri yang sudah dibakar, 3 sdt garam, 40 gr gula jawa.
B. Bumbu lainnya: 2 iris lengkuas memarkan, 2 bt sereh memarkan, 5 lembar daun jeruk purut.
Cara membuat: Tempe dan sayuran dipotong-potong. Didihkan santan, masukkan sayuran, tempe serta bumbu-bumbu A + B. Masak sampai sayuran matang.
Opor Ayam
Keperluan: 1 ekor ayam kampung yang gemuk dan muda, santan dari 1/2 kelapa, 3 belimbing wuluh.
Bumbu yang digerus: 2 lombok merah, 1 pt terasi, 8 bawang merah, 4 siung bawang putih, 2 peres sdt bubuk ketumbar, 5 butir kemiri, sebutir kencur, seruas kunyit, 2 sdt garam, 2 sdt gula, minyak untuk menumis.
Bumbu lainnya: 2 iris lengkuas memarkan, 4 lembar daun jeruk purut.
Cara membuat: Ayam dibersihkan, potong-potong, goreng sebentar. Bumbu yang digerus tumis dengan sedikit minyak sampai harum baunya, tuangi santan cair, bubuhi lengkuas dan daun jeruk, didihkan, lalu masukkan ayamnya. Masak sampai ayamnya empuk, masukkan irisan belimbing dan santan kental, masak beberapa saat lagi, angkat.
Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela
Keperluan: 4 pasang hati/ampela, 20 butir telur puyuh rebus, 1 bt petai, santan dari 1/4 kelapa, 2 iris lengkuas memarkan, 3 lembar daun salam, 2 sdm air asam, penyedap.
Bumbu yang digerus: 6 lombok merah, 6 bawang merah, 3 siung bawang putih, 1 pt terasi, 1 1/2 sdt garam, 2 sdt gula, minyak untuk menumis.
Cara membuat: Hati ampela direbus, lalu potong-potong. Telur puyuh dikupas, petai dikupas dan belah dua. Bumbu digerus, tumis dengan sedikit minyak sampai harum baunya, tuangi santan, masukkan bahan-bahan lainnya. Didihkan beberapa saat sampai bumbu-bumbunya meresap, angkat.
Sayur Lodeh
Keperluan: 1 ikat kacang panjang, 1 labu siam, 1 terung, 1 ons rebung, 1 ons tempe, santan dari 1/2 kelapa.
A. Bumbu yang digerus: 3 lombok merah buang bijinya, 1 pt terasi, 6 bawang merah, 4 siung bawang putih, 4 butir kemiri yang sudah dibakar, 3 sdt garam, 40 gr gula jawa.
B. Bumbu lainnya: 2 iris lengkuas memarkan, 2 bt sereh memarkan, 5 lembar daun jeruk purut.
Cara membuat: Tempe dan sayuran dipotong-potong. Didihkan santan, masukkan sayuran, tempe serta bumbu-bumbu A + B. Masak sampai sayuran matang.
Opor Ayam
Keperluan: 1 ekor ayam kampung yang gemuk dan muda, santan dari 1/2 kelapa, 3 belimbing wuluh.
Bumbu yang digerus: 2 lombok merah, 1 pt terasi, 8 bawang merah, 4 siung bawang putih, 2 peres sdt bubuk ketumbar, 5 butir kemiri, sebutir kencur, seruas kunyit, 2 sdt garam, 2 sdt gula, minyak untuk menumis.
Bumbu lainnya: 2 iris lengkuas memarkan, 4 lembar daun jeruk purut.
Cara membuat: Ayam dibersihkan, potong-potong, goreng sebentar. Bumbu yang digerus tumis dengan sedikit minyak sampai harum baunya, tuangi santan cair, bubuhi lengkuas dan daun jeruk, didihkan, lalu masukkan ayamnya. Masak sampai ayamnya empuk, masukkan irisan belimbing dan santan kental, masak beberapa saat lagi, angkat.
Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela
Keperluan: 4 pasang hati/ampela, 20 butir telur puyuh rebus, 1 bt petai, santan dari 1/4 kelapa, 2 iris lengkuas memarkan, 3 lembar daun salam, 2 sdm air asam, penyedap.
Bumbu yang digerus: 6 lombok merah, 6 bawang merah, 3 siung bawang putih, 1 pt terasi, 1 1/2 sdt garam, 2 sdt gula, minyak untuk menumis.
Cara membuat: Hati ampela direbus, lalu potong-potong. Telur puyuh dikupas, petai dikupas dan belah dua. Bumbu digerus, tumis dengan sedikit minyak sampai harum baunya, tuangi santan, masukkan bahan-bahan lainnya. Didihkan beberapa saat sampai bumbu-bumbunya meresap, angkat.
Cap Go Meh 2001
6:49 PM |
Cap Go Meh 2001

Gong hay is usually rich or happy imlek soon as the Pearl River from the religious or ethnic Hu general believers. Lunar New Year or Spring Festival Imlek or the Chinese people the most important holiday. Chinese New Year celebration, also known as chunjie, or tibia in a country. imlek word comes from the Hokkien dialect, which means a calendar. Chinese New Year celebration usually celebrate until No. 15 in the Chinese calendar this month.

imlek originally celebrated after the winter off to celebrate the farmers, and welcomes this happens, the arrival of spring each year. The event is completed imlek prayers during the holidays and celebrations are done to casual hats. The purpose of this activity is to pray that more of sustenance as a reunion between family members. Lunar New Year holiday is an annual meeting point for all the family members. This is a very meaningful celebration, each family member and neighbor of love intertwined with, laugh and exchange Angpao new clothes along. Angpao is to invest the amount of red envelopes. Angpao often referred to as the Lunar New Year "is over", which means taking into account the age of the child's gift. In the old days, the prize is usually a snack or food time. With the provisions of the times, angpao contains an alternative prize. Let the traditional red envelopes about the money when the Ming and Qing.
In China, who has the obligation and right to angpao who is already married, because marriage is considered to be between childhood and adulthood the border, and those who are married are considered the traditional fixed income. In addition to providing angpao children, they are obliged to provide angpao people who are old.
Middle Eastern Chicken Pot and Butter-Nut Couscous Recipe
The Arabic Food Recipes kitchen (The Home of Delicious Arabic Food Recipes) invites you to try Middle Eastern Chicken Pot and Butter-Nut Couscous Recipe. Enjoy tasty & easy Middle Eastern Food recipes and learn how to make Middle Eastern Chicken Pot and Butter-Nut Couscous.
Cook Time: 25 min
Level: Easy
Yield: 4 servings
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, eyeball it
1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs, chopped into bite-sized pieces
1 onion, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, grated or chopped
1 cup shredded carrots
1 fresh bay leaf
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon coriander
Pinch ground cinnamon
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup chopped dried fruits - pick 1 or combine: figs, pitted dates, apricots, sultanas
1 lemon, zested and juiced
3/4 cup pitted mixed olives, chopped
4 cups chicken stock, divided
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons pine nuts
1/4 cup slivered or sliced almonds
1 1/2 cups couscous
Handful flat-leaf parsley, chopped
Heat the extra-virgin olive oil in a deep skillet over medium-high heat. When the oil ripples add the chicken and brown 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Add the onions, garlic, carrots, bay leaf and season with spices, salt and pepper, cook 5 to 6 minutes. Stir the fruits into the chicken and vegetables, add the zest of the lemon, olives and 2 1/2 cups of stock. Reduce heat to low and simmer 10 minutes more. Sprinkle with lemon juice and turn off heat. Remove bay leaf.
While chicken simmers, melt butter in a sauce pot over medium heat. Add nuts and lightly toast for a couple of minutes. Add 1 1/2 cups stock and bring up to a boil then stir in couscous. Cover and let stand 5 minutes.
Serve chicken over couscous, or vice versa, and garnish with parsley.
Recipe courtesy Rachael Ray
Show: 30 Minute Meals - Episode: Chicken Goes Abroad
More Moroccan Recipes:
Brick Chicken with Apricot Couscous
Fruity lamb tagine
Beef and pear tagine
Moroccan kofte with spicy tomato sauce
Moroccan Rib Roast
Chicken and Sausage Couscous
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Chocolate Fondue - 2 Delicious Recipes
8:55 AM |
Food for Children
Chocolate Fondue - 2 Delicious Recipes
Chocolate fondues have come in and out of fashion since the 70's and most people have tried it. But it's always nice to try something new and exciting- here we have 2 delicious dessert fondue recipes which your will be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Dark chocolate has become the new fashion with the news confirming it as a "heart healthy" food.
Who can resist the temptation of a fondue of melted chocolate, dipping in strawberries, bananas and any other fruits? But you can be creative, dip in salty foods like potato chips and pretzels. Combining salty and sweet foods is delicious.
With dark chocolate now considered a "healthy option", it is now a good excuse to add chocolate fondue recipes to your recipe book. Try one of these chocolate fondue recipes and invite a few friends- it's sure to be an enjoyable get together.
Dark Chocolate Fondue:
350 g Dark Chocolate (chopped)
3/4 cup (190 ml) Whipped Cream
2 tsp (10 ml) coffee liqueur - Kahlua (optional)
1. Heat cream over a low heat until warm - DO NOT BOIL
2. Add the chopped dark chocolate slowly while stirring simultaneously
3. Stir until the mixture is smooth
4. Stir in liqueur
To Dip:
Strawberries, Sliced Apple, Bananas, Pineapple, Pound Cake, doughnuts, Angel Cake, Pretzel Sticks, Marshmallows, Potato Chips.
Mint Chocolate Fondue:
1/2 cup (125 ml) Heavy Cream
2 tsp (10 ml) Peppermint Liqueur
225 g Semisweet Chocolate
1. Put the heavy cream over medium low heat until warm
2. Add the Peppermint liqueur
3. Grate or break the chocolate into small pieces and add to mixture slowly while stirring simultaneously
4. Keep stirring until the chocolate is melted
To Dip:
Fresh fruit, glazed Fruit, peach pieces, pears, Pound Cake, Angel Food Cake.
Hearty Winter Vegetable Soup
Oh yeah, it's totally soup season by me. The snow is coming down hard outside my window right now, but at least I have a hearty bowl of soup waiting for me in my fridge! Over the weekend, my friend decided he was in the mood for a hearty bowl of soup. I didn't have much in my kitchen at the time, but sometimes good soup recipes are born out of necessity. Normally, I try to avoid canned goods in my cooking. However, it seemed to make sense with this vegetable soup as it added to the recipe's "hankering down for winter" aura
Serves: 6
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- 4-5 cups water, broth or stock (I like thick soups, but you can always add more water to thin out the soup)
- 3 potatoes, cubed with the skins on
- 1/2 cup lentils
- 1/2 cup brown rice
- 3 onions, diced
- 1/2 pound dark leafy greens, chopped finely (I used turnip greens but kale or any other dark leafy green would work well here)
- 2 carrots, diced
- 2 cans condensed tomato soup
- 1 can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
- 20 dill pickle slices
- 4 cloves garlic, diced
- Spices of your choice (I used rosemary, thyme, cumin, paprika, red chili flakes and black pepper)
- In a large pot, start boiling your water. Once the water starts boiling, turn down the stove top temperature until the water is simmering and add the brown rice, lentils and potatoes.
- After about 10 to 15 minutes, add the greens and carrots and stir.
- Once the greens and carrots have been in for about 5 to 10 minutes, add the condensed soup, artichoke hearts and pickle slices and stir to combine.
- Once the brown rice, lentils and potatoes are almost done, add the garlic and the spices of your choice.
- Serve and enjoy!
So I admit that this is a far cry for most conventional vegetable soup recipes. Frankly, I'm okay with that. I find it very satisfying when I can use all sorts of different things that I have lying around to make something delicious. However, I do feel a need to explain some of my ingredient choices. Recently, I was gifted with a number of canned food items. While I generally avoid canned foods, I'm a sucker for free food. For future vegetable soup recipes, I think I will go with crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce over the condensed soup. I kept the artichoke heart pieces pretty big, which made them the main meat alternative of the soup in terms of texture.
But I think the main ingredient question you might be asking is why I added pickles. I know it's a bit of a left field ingredient choice, but it added great flavor and texture to the final soup. The vinegar from the pickles gave the soup recipe a nice tartness, which I think helped embolden the other flavors. I didn't add any salt to this dish because the pickle slices contributed enough for
my tastes.Tips to Make a Perfect Salad

Maybe there is a certain art to making the perfect salad, but I find that with just the right amount of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, salads can rock. And that's without getting creative. The first rule to making the perfect salad is that there aren't any rules - you can put all kinds of sh*t in there. Of course, as in all delicious dishes, there are a fewguidelines one should consider in order to maximize the flavor factor.
Get Creative with Your Lettuce: I'm usually an iceberg or romaine kind of girl myself, so I like to start off with those as a base. Most salads are high in calcium, iron and contains both vitamins A and C. Also, greens that are darker tend to have more of the good stuff – vitamins and nutrients. On occasion I like to spice things up and throw in some arugula or baby spinach. Arugula, also known as rocket, is slightly bitter, but is packed with a lot of ‘peppery' flavor. If I'm feeling exceptionally inspired I'll go with some Radicchio or Curly endives – which are more on the bitter side. Adding in these types of greens gives your salad an extra punch... and also makes it look pretty, which is always important.
Add Some Fruit: The best part of making a killer salad is adding a unique ingredient to the mix. Depending on the base, adding fruits like mango, raspberries, oranges, pomegranate, or even kiwi often offsets bitterness with a simple sweet addition. In even better news, the natural juices from these fruits often compliment your already awesome seasoning. Simple olive oil and lemon juice will play off nicely with the fruits. Another tip: I'd avoid using Dijon in the mix if you're going the fruit route.
Add Some Substance: If you're thinking of having salad as a meal instead of a side, you might want to bulk up. Whether you want to add in some brown rice, croutons, or something hardier, one thing is certain, after a decked out salad like the masterpiece you're creating, you'll be good for the day. One tip I suggest is using left over meats from last night's dinner – chicken breast, grilled pork, beef, or shellfish. It's a great way to get rid of leftovers and meats like these taste great in salad. Win win. If you don't have any leftovers or just want to indulge in a little salty flavor, you can always throw in some fried bacon bits or prosciutto. On the flip side, if your vegan, try some tofu, fried polenta, or chickpeas – it's actually quite tasty.
Make your Dressing: While I do dig mustard-based concoctions, they don't work with every ingredient. It's for that reason that I suggest sticking to vinegar based dressings. Not only do they almost always work, but you can have the most fun with them. Usually two parts oil to one part acid works best, but be extra careful not to over-indulge on the oil. Too much oil can make your salad into a sloppy mess. It's important to mention that if you like your salads equal in the olive to acid ratios, than one part olive oil, one part vinegar or lemon juice is the way to go. If you're using vinegars you can always opt for flavored ones like raspberry, plum or fig.
When creating your own dressing, choose vinegars like red wine or aged balsamic as a base. You can flavor your vinaigrettes with garlic, chives, basil, cilantro and even nuts. A nice pesto dressing is amazing! If you're using meats like chicken or turkey you can even go the creamy route by whisking in some buttermilk, sour cream, mayo and yes, even some Dijon.
Italian Dessert Recipe
6:15 AM |
Italian special

Dessert is usually some fresh fruit with a demitasse of espresso. On festive occasions there may be puddings, pastries or a cake. Wine is an integral part of Italian food. Relax with your favorite beer or wine and enjoy as the aromas of traditional Italian food.
In the kitchen, you may need a pasta pot, a colander, wooden spoons, and a mezzaluna. The mezzaluna is a crescent-shaped knife with a handle on either end that makes meat-mincing a whole lot easier.
Try this simple but exotic Italian Dessert Recipe - Hazelnut cake:
Toasted hazelnuts -10 ounces (250 g)
Oro Saiwa Cookies -4 ounces (100 g)
Unsalted butter -4 ounces (100 g)
Sugar -6 ounces (150 g, 3/4 cup)
Eggs, separated -3
Baking chocolate (crumbled) -6 ounces (150 g)
Toasted hazelnuts -10 ounces (250 g)
Oro Saiwa Cookies -4 ounces (100 g)
Unsalted butter -4 ounces (100 g)
Sugar -6 ounces (150 g, 3/4 cup)
Eggs, separated -3
Baking chocolate (crumbled) -6 ounces (150 g)
- Grind together the nuts and cookies in a blender until it becomes a fine powder.
- Combine it with the crumbled chocolate.
- Cream the egg yolks sugar and butter until the mixture is pale yellow.
- Whip the egg whites until it forms firm peaks.
- Combine the nut and cookie mixture with the butter mixture, and then fold in the whites.
- Pour into a cake pan of size sufficient for it to be about an inch deep, and bake it a preheated oven (360 F (180 C)) for 30 minutes.
This Authentic Ground Beef Stroganoff Recipe Will Get Your Taste Buds Off
6:06 AM |

Welcome search engine visitor in dire need of a vicious yet easy homemade ground beef stroganoff recipe.
Your grievous ways of demeaning a traditional beef stroganoff recipe have got to stop.
America's Most Wanted put out an all points bulletin for your arrest when your next door neighbors reported hearing the screams and cries of a poorbeef stroganoff meal in the making being attacked by you in the kitchen.
You should be ashamed of yourself search engine visitor.
But I am here to bring relief to your wicked ways in the form of the best beef stroganoff recipe below.
You no longer will be judged and the healing process will begin.
Beef Stroganoff - Serves 8
2 pounds beef chuck roast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
4 ounces low fat butter
4 green onions, sliced (white parts only)
4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 (10.5 ounce) can condensed beef broth
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
1 (6 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained
1/3 cup low fat sour cream
1/3 cup white wine
salt to taste
ground black pepper to taste
1 (24 ounce) package of egg noodles, cooked
Remove any fat and gristle from the roast and cut into strips 1/2 inch thick by 2 inches long.
Season with 1/2 teaspoon of both salt and pepper.
In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter and brown the beef strips quickly, then push the beef strips off to one side.
Add the onions and cook slowly for 3 to 5 minutes, then push to the side with the beef strips.
Stir the flour into the juices on the empty side of the pan.
Pour in beef broth and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
Lower the heat and stir in mustard. Cover and simmer for 1 hour or until the meat is tender.
Five minutes before serving, stir in the mushrooms, sour cream, and white wine.
Heat briefly then salt and pepper to taste. Serve over hot egg noodles.
Nutritional Information
Amount Per Serving Calories: 214 | Total Fat: 16.9g | Cholesterol: 56mg
Are you starting to see the therapeutic value of the above lowfat, low carb beef stroganoff recipe with sour cream search engine visitor?
Do you see how if John Walsh from America's Most Wanted took one bite from the results of you using this classic, healthy lean beef stroganoff...
That he would call off that all points bulletin and that life in the kitchen as you know it search engine visitor will be mesmerizing.
Think about it.
Falafel with Tahini Sauce Recipe
8:48 AM |
Egyptian Recipes,
Jordanian Recipes,
Lebanese Recipes,
Syrian Recipes,
The Arabic Food Recipes kitchen (The Home of Delicious Arabic Food Recipes) invites you to try Falafel with Tahini Sauce Recipe. Enjoy Tasty Middle Eastern Food recipes and learn how to make Falafel with Tahini Sauce.
Cook Time: 30 min
Level: Intermediate
Yield: about 2 1/2 dozen
1 1/2 cups dried, peeled fava beans (skinless, split broad beans), soaked in cold water for 24 hours
1/3 cup dried chickpeas, soaked in cold water for 24 hours
1 yellow onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup minced parsley leaves
1/4 cup minced cilantro leaves
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon baking soda or baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Vegetable oil, for frying
Tahini Sauce, for serving, recipe follows
Pita bread, for serving, optional
Drain and rinse both the fava beans as well as the chickpeas. Combine both beans in the bowl of a food processor, along with the onion, parsley, cilantro, garlic, cumin, baking soda, salt, ground coriander, and cayenne, and pulse, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary, until a coarse paste is formed. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of water, if needed to make the paste hold together - you will have to remove the lid of the processor and check this by pressing some of the mixture together between your fingers. Add a bit more water, if necessary. Transfer to a bowl and set aside to rest for about 30 minutes.
Preheat at least 3-inches of oil in a saucepan or a deep-fryer to 350 degrees F.
Scoop the fava-chick pea mixture into 1 1/2 to 2-tablespoon increments and, using your hands, shape into balls or patties about 1 1/2 to 2-inches in diameter. Gently lower the falafel balls into the hot oil (these are fragile - do not drop them or they will fall apart.) Fry the falafel in batches until crisp and brown, turning to promote even browning, 2 to 2 1/2 minutes. Transfer to paper-lined plates to drain briefly before serving with the Tahini Sauce and pita bread, if using.
Chef's Note: if you cannot find skinless fava beans, you will need to peel them. This is most easily accomplished after the beans have soaked for a short while - the skins will puff up away from the bean and can then be peeled off. While this is not terribly difficult to do, it is very time consuming and we recommend using skinless if you can source them.
Tahini Sauce:
1 cup tahini paste
1/4 cup plus more, if necessary, lemon juice
2 small cloves garlic, minced
1/2 to 3/4 cup water, as needed
1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon salt
Make the sauce by combining the tahini paste, lemon juice, and garlic in a bowl and stirring to combine. Add the water a little at a time as needed to form a smooth, creamy sauce approximately the thickness of heavy cream. (Note that the sauce might appear to separate for a bit before enough water has been added; just keep adding more water bit by bit and stirring until the sauce comes together.) Season to taste with salt and more lemon juice, if necessary. Transfer to a nonreactive container and refrigerate until ready to serve the falafel.
Yield: about 2 cups
Recipe courtesy Emeril Lagasse, 2007
Show: Emeril LiveEpisode: A Persian Feast
More Falafel Recipes:
Chickpea fritters (falafel)
Make Best Falafel Balls
Falafel & hummus on pita bread
Falafel Hot Sauce Recipe
Falafel and hommus wrap
Falafel Sauce
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Chickpea and Spinach Salad with Cumin Dressing and Yogurt Sauce Recipe
The Arabic Food Recipes kitchen (The Home of Delicious Arabic Food Recipes) invites you to try Chickpea and Spinach Salad with Cumin Dressing and Yogurt Sauce Recipe. Enjoy easy Middle Eastern Food recipes and learn how to make Chickpea and Spinach Salad with Cumin Dressing and Yogurt Sauce.
Prep Time: 20 min
Level: Easy
Yield: 8 servings
2 (15-ounce) cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper
4 cups baby spinach leaves
Yogurt with Orange Essence, recipe below, optional
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh mint leaves, optional
In a medium bowl combine the chickpeas, parsley and onion. In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, zest, cumin, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper. Pour the dressing over the chickpea mixture and toss to combine. Serve the chickpea salad over a bed of spinach leaves. Top with the yogurt sauce and a sprinkle of mint, if using.
Yogurt with Orange Essence:
1/3 cup lowfat plain yogurt
1/4 teaspoon orange zest
2 tablespoons orange juice
1/2 teaspoon honey
In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, orange zest, orange juice and honey.
Yield: about 1/2 cup
2005, Ellie Krieger
Show: Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger Episode: Hot Off the Grill
More Salad Recipes:
Middle Eastern Salad Plate
Lebanese fruit salad
Moroccan chicken and potato salad
Couscous and cranberry salad
Asparagus and Persian feta salad
Mediterranean chicken pasta salad
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Brick Chicken with Apricot Couscous Recipe
The Arabic Food Recipes kitchen (The Home of Delicious Arabic Food Recipes) invites you to try Brick Chicken with Apricot Couscous Recipe. Enjoy easy Moroccan Food recipes and learn how to make Brick Chicken with Apricot Couscous.
Cook Time: 1 hr 0 min
Level: Intermediate
Yield: 4 to 6 servings
2 tablespoons cumin seed
2 tablespoons whole coriander
2 cinnamon sticks
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1 lemon, juiced
1 whole free-range chicken (3 pounds), split (see directions below or have butcher split chicken for you)
Extra-virgin olive oil
Mint Yogurt Dressing. recipe follows
Apricot Couscous, recipe follows
Toast cumin, coriander and cinnamon in a medium saucepan over low heat until fragrant. In a clean spice grinder or coffee grinder, blend spices until fine. Add the toasted spices to a bowl with paprika and cayenne. Season with kosher salt. Stir in the olive oil and lemon juice.
Prepare chicken by splitting it down the back and removing the backbone, breast bone and rib cage. Lay the chicken out flat and rub the blended spices all over. Marinate for up to 4 hours or overnight.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Heat a large cast iron skillet (or other heavy oven-proof pan) over medium-high heat. When hot, add a 2 count of extra-virgin olive oil and place the chicken skin side down in the pan. Cover it with a second cast iron pan (you could also use a more traditional foil-wrapped brick) immediately so the skin doesn't have time to contract. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 10 to 15 minutes until chicken is golden brown and has a nice crust. Finish cooking in the oven for a further 20 to 25 minutes. Internal temperature between the leg and thigh should register 165 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer, when cooked through. Serve with Mint Yogurt Dressing and Apricot Couscous.
Mint Yogurt Dressing:
1 1/2 cups plain yogurt
1/2 bunch chopped fresh cilantro leaves
1/2 bunch fresh mint leaves
2 green onions, green parts only
2 tablespoons honey
1 lemon, juiced
Extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
While chicken is cooking, combine yogurt, cilantro, mint, green onions, honey, lemon juice, extra-virgin olive oil, and salt and pepper, to taste, in a blender. Blend until mixture is fully combined and has a smooth consistency.
Apricot Couscous:
Extra-virgin olive oil
1 small red onion, small dice
1/4 cup dried apricots, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup whole almonds toasted, coarsely chopped
1 cup couscous
1 1/2 cups chicken stock, warm
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
2 scallions green parts only
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro leaves, roughly chopped plus leaves for garnish
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
In a medium saucepan add a 2 count of extra-virgin olive oil. Add the red onion, apricots and almonds and saute gently over low heat until translucent and slightly fragrant. Add the couscous then dump in the warm chicken broth. Stir with a fork to combine, add lemon zest and cover. Let sit for 10 minutes, then uncover and add the scallions, mint, and cilantro. Fluff again with a fork. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine.
Serve family-style on a large platter and garnish with fresh cilantro.
Yield: 4 to 6 servings
Recipe courtesy Tyler Florence
Show: Tyler's UltimateEpisode: Ultimate Brick Chicken
More Moroccan Recipes:
Fruity lamb tagine
Beef and pear tagine
Moroccan kofte with spicy tomato sauce
Moroccan Rib Roast
Chicken and Sausage Couscous
Moroccan lamb steaks
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