SPINACH WITH GROUND MEATIngredients 2000 gr. spinach 3 tablespoons margarine 3 medium onions 200 gr. ground meat 3 glasses water 1 1/2 tablespoons tomato paste (unsalted) 2 tablespoons rice 1 teaspoon salt
Preparation : Cut the roots off the spinach and wash spinach several times. Place in fast boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. After boiling, drain the spinach bt squeesing with the hands, then chop. Put the margarine and chopped onions into a pan, saute until the color of the onions changes. Add the ground meat and continue to saute until the meat simmers, while occasionally stirring. Add the water or meat broth, salt, tomato paste, chopped spinach and rice. Cover the pan and cook until the rice becomes tender, then serve.
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