There are two types of cooking today. The first is the type of person who has a very modern kitchen, living room wall probably only two contacts. They cook with a microwave oven. In this way, they do not smell the whole house.
The second category are those who cook tasty through the day. It is not easy, it eats a lot of time. Often than you eat. The smell of cooked food everywhere in the house, which is smelly.
But now a new trend - slow cooker recipes. In essence, is a slow cooker cooking equipment. Simmer Guofan to very low temperatures after. As a result, the food never burns. And all the flavors have time to penetrate into the meat. Crock pot cooking about 8 hours. No odor, is produced in the room.

The best thing about slow cooker recipes is that even if they have 8 hours to mature, you do not care 8 hours what will happen food. Because it can not burn. The recipe is also delicious. This is because there is enough time to properly sauce with meat.
These recipes have not been popular in the past. Perhaps this is because a very expensive pots and pans. But now, this is not the case. These recipes are the new wave in the kitchen.
The best slow cooker recipes are on the Internet. Do you have a wide variety of choices. You can cook chicken or beef. You can do all kinds of mixtures. Recipes come in a wide range. There is no reason not to try it yourself. These recipes are for everyone. Busy or not! They just need a little bit of your time efficiency. They become a real delicacy. They are completely in the new cooking methods.
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