This Chinese Chicken Salad makes a great lunch or lite dinner. It combines protein with the salad items and it has enough substance to keep you from feeling hungry an hour after your meal. The crunch is also a good thing. With the crunch and the chewing required with this salad, it helps to slow down the eating which allows your brain to catch up to your stomach and realize you are no longer hungry. If you prefer soup over salad, try this recipe for Tasty Lentil Soup with Chicken. Lentils and chicken are both very healthy food options. This soup is full of vegetables that are also healthy and low in fat and calories. Either of these recipes are good options to replace that greasy burger or other fast food.

Chinese Chicken Salad Ramen Noodles

Chinese Chicken Salad Ramen Noodles

Chinese Chicken Salad Ramen Noodles
Ingredients for the salad:
1 package of Top Ramen Noodles, crumbled
½ head cabbage, finely chopped
4 green onions, chopped
½ can sliced almonds
Mix all ingredients together except the ramen noodles and refrigerate.
Ingredients for the dressing:
Flavor packet from the noodles
2 tbsp of sugar
3 tbsp of vinegar
½ tsp of pepper
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