New legislation to ban shark fin soup, the main component of unfairly deprived of a century-old gourmet customer, California restaurant owner said. Proposed by Rep. Bill grew up eating soup, but a cruel practice known as shark's fin.
In California, new legislation banning the sale and possession of shark fins, some of China is opposed to the U.S. Food and communicators, the law unfairly deprived of their customers a taste of Asian history, shark fin soup to wake up.
Thailand's king, Monterey Park Wing Hop Fung, a Chinese manager of the store for dried shark fin, said: "Now is the Chinese people can not find a thing in the United States,."
The main component of dry shark fin soup can sell more than $ 2,000 a pound, in California. Just as the emperor had, expensive soup has become a status and wealth and honor a symbol of respect for the guests of the gesture.
Rep. Paul Fong (D Sunnyvale) grew up eating the soup, but the introduction of AB 376 limits the company he called a cruel practice, and that the fins hacked to death and then thrown into the water of life shark. Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill Friday. Asian Food Trade Association, Betty said, there is no fair to hear the petitions and organized protests.
"Said that if the United States and California, anyone can eat shark-related products, yes, we have it, but if you only for the fins, while others can take advantage of the other part, no, we think it is discriminatory, "Mr Tsang said. "We just can not accept this logic."
Ban hurt business, Mr Donald Tsang, to continue, it is estimated, the restaurant lost about $ 200 per table on average, if they do not become the dinner of shark's fin soup.
Wu Zhen is the owner of the restaurant he Rosemead, Chuan Hing, closed at the end of this year. He relies on the establishment of special occasions such as weddings and Mother's Day orders for shark fin soup.
"My main business is selling soup, all on the menu the same? Secondary schools," Wu said Mandarin around his empty restaurant.
Mr Tsang said: "This bill is really to stop killing sharks for people?! They are still killing their meat."
Not completely ban the sale of shark fins, Mr Tsang suggested that the Legislative Council to strengthen the existing federal law prohibits the killing of their shark fins.
Jackie Chan weeks, Alhambra, Rowland Heights happiness to Hong Kong restaurant owner, said: "This is not fair, we can not use other shark products have been killed in the United States to eat shark fin to the left of enterprises will use it . ".
Supporters of the ban insist fin is not merely "left over" because they command more than the price of shark meat is much higher, and provide a powerful incentive, only the fin fishermen. Supporters of the law that there is no way to ensure that fishermen use the entire shark.
The ban is expected to take effect January 1 next year, but Brown signed a package bill to allow suppliers, until July 1, 2013, the sale of existing stocks of shark fin.
Ong Keng Yong said: "As a business, I have nothing to say, we only see in a year's inventory,." "However, culture ... I regret is that the younger generation of Chinese people in the United States will not be able to appreciate the thousands-year-old tradition."
"For some people, on the state, said:" Hong Kong-packing brick, University of Southern California. Sichuan stop eating shark fin soup two years ago, when she read, her favorite celebrity, the Hong Kong actor Chen Jian Feng, against cruelty to animals.
"I do not think shark's fin, even if there is any taste; it is only in the soup, so I does not matter if the restaurant does not provide," she said.
But weeks, "this issue is no longer just a question whether we can sell or not sell shark fin, which is a cultural discrimination."
"We will unite, and try to match," he said. "We want to respect the U.S. law, but we also want to make sure our voices are heard fairly."
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