preparation time 15 minutes
cooking: time 60 minutes
1/2 liter of milk
100 grams of sugar
50 grams of flour, 50 grams of butter
100 grams of powder cocoa or chocolate
4 eggs
butter a souffle dish and sprinkle sugar over the bottom and up the sides
Melt the butter, then stir in the flour well, bring the milk to the boil with the sugar and pour it slowly over the
butter and flour mixture, stirring all the time. simmer for 5 minutes then remove from the heat.
blend in the cocoa and let the mixture cool. stir in the egg yolks, one by one, and last of all fold in the stiffly
beaten egg white. pour the souffle mixture quickly into the buttered dish and cook in a moderate oven for
45 minutes. serve immediately.
top class foods
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