Author: Raqees
This stew and vegetable seeds to take effect from northern Italy.Dressing garlic sauce and basil pesto adds a touch of elegance to this dish a little rural. I cooked this soup in a large pot on my fork, but it might as well cook stove gas or electric powered.
Material - pesto vinaigrette
. 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. handful of basil leaves. 6 cloves garlic
Material - skillet
.1 medium onion .1 medium fennel bulb .2 zucchini .400 grams of tin ore
,150 grams of green bean stick .400 gram tin of baked beans .170 grams parmesan cheese
.200 grams potatoes
.3 tomatoes
.60 grams dried spaghetti .3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
. large stalks thyme
.1.75 liters vegetable stock
.Coarse sea salt and black pepper
Method - The bean and vegetable stew
Use a large pot with lid. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat.
Peel and finely chopped onion, fennel and cut into four and cut and cut it in half and slice zucchini. Add onion, fennel and zucchini in hot oil and fry off about 10 minutes to brown.
Add vegetable broth to the pan with the thyme and bring to a boil. Cut the peeled and chopped potatoes and tomatoes. Add potatoes and tomatoes in a saucepan. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer gently for about 15 minutes.
Drain and rinse beans and white beans and add to pan. Replace lid and continue boiling for 15 minutes.
Cut green beans into inch long pieces of spaghetti sticks and broke into pieces the same length. Add green beans and spaghetti to the pan and cook until spaghetti is tender, check after 10 minutes.
Remove the pan from heat but keep the lid while you prepare the pesto sauce.
Method - The pesto vinaigrette
Always prepare the sauce just before serving for best results.
Peel and roughly chop the garlic. garlic and basil leaves in a food processor Insert small and pulse to start. Add oil and mix as usual.
This recipe is a favorite of my mother and I just send a bouquet of roses as a thank you. Order flowers online, it's easy for me to send him flowers.To Serve
Serve the soup into each bowl. Grated Parmesan. Add a good dose cheap Parmesan and pesto swirl over the soup.
Have fun!
Italian vegetable and bean stew topped with pesto vinaigrette
8:52 AM |
Italian special
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